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Demystifying Your Mind-Body Connection

Three easy techniques to connect your body and mind

If I asked, “how stressed are you?” you’d probably tell me you feel fine. Many of us don't recognise some of the subtler signs of stress - only responding when things reach fever pitch. Actually stress, which comes back to your mind-body connection, can manifest in so many ways. Physical manifestations of stress can include, an elevated heart rate, feeling out of breath, having headaches, having itchy skin or not being able to sleep. And, whilst these symptoms are experienced physically, they are not necessarily separate from the mind. Let’s take physical stiffness as another example, you can have stiffness in the body, and think that you need to keep moving but actually, slowing down, checking in and taking a pause could be the better option for you.

Your mind and body are already well connected and working in unity, otherwise you'd be falling and tripping 24/7. Just not consciously connected. But, if you keep bumping into things, forgetting things at home, asking yourself if you actually switched off the light, you may need to work on your mind-body connection.

It's not rocket science

You might believe that focusing on the mind-body connection means hours of discomfort as you meditate your way to, “enlightenment”. But reallhaving a mind-body connection means being aware of what's going on for you at a deeper level, rather than your body having to scream at you to get your attention, and being in tune with your whole self. Basically it’s all about awareness. Noticing where your body is at in any given moment, and how you're moving and feeling. Bringing mindfulness into your movement means paying attention to everything you're doing; being here now. It means being aware of your thoughts, your physical sensations and your emotions.

Cultivate awareness through breath

One of the easiest ways connect you mind and body is to focus on your breathing, because your breath changes your physical body. Taking some conscious breaths while you're sitting at your desk, counting the breath if you don’t know what that means i.e. count the length of your inhalation and exhalation, then concentrate on making those breaths an equal length. If you're feeling under pressure, try inhaling for the count of four, then exhale for six or eight. This should calm your nervous system, your shoulders will drop, and you will feel your body relax.

Embrace the body scan

You can also do a body scan to check in with how your body feels. Again, whilst seated at your desk, drop forward and let your arms hang at your sides, with your eyes closed. Notice if one hand would touch the floor first. Does one hand feel longer than the other? Notice how your toes feel, where they are in space, your ankles, your feet, notice the bones. Imagine you have a light you can shine around all the nooks and crannies of your body, and notice how it feels.

Move with intention

We move all the time, but again this is unconscious. You don't question why your legs move or how when you walk to work hen you sit at your desk etc. Incorporating mindful movement into your daily routine is a powerful way to bridge the gap between your mind and body. Engaging in activities such as yoga, tai chi, or even a simple mindful walk can help cultivate a deeper sense of connection.

When practicing mindful movement, pay attention to each movement and sensation. Notice the way your body moves, the muscles being engaged, and the rhythm of your breath. Allow your mind to fully immerse itself in the present moment, letting go of distractions and focusing solely on the physical experience. By integrating mindful movement into your life, you not only enhance your mind-body connection but also promote overall well-being and inner harmony. Embrace the transformative power of mindful movement as a pathway to feeling truly connected within yourself.

By applying these three effortless techniques, you can deepen your mind-body connection and experience a greater sense of well-being. Cultivating awareness through breath, embracing the body scan, and engaging in mindful movement are all effective ways to reconnect with yourself on a profound level. As you integrate these practices into your life, you will enhance your overall well-being and experience inner harmony. Embrace the transformative power of these techniques as pathways to feeling truly connected within yourself.

Need more help?

If you need help with any of this, you can always reach out to me at

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